Mills County Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 308
Goldthwaite, Texas 76844
7/4/2006: Christmas In July, 4th of July Celebrations. Come and spend the 4th Of July with us in the City Park. Fireworks, musical entertainment and lots of fun.
9/11/2006: Mills County, Goldthwaite Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet at the Mills County Civic Center. Food, Fun and Fellowship. Major Fund-raiser for the Chamber. Call the Chamber office at: for ticket information.
9/25/2005: DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED Hunter's Appreciation Wild Game Supper Public Meeting at the Mills County Civic Center, 5:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Hosted by Chamber of Commerce Director Jason Williams and his Committee. Be sure to attend.
9/ /2006: DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED Central TX Telephone will host it's annual food drive in the Schwartz Food Store Parking lot. Please contribute for a needy cause.
2006: DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED Ranch Rodeo, held annually at the TA Head Arena. Benefits the Mills County Trapper's Association. Contact Darleen McCoy at or
10/21/2006: Texas Friendship Wagon Train Fall Ride: Begins the 3rd weekend in October, contact Truett Auldridge at or .
10/21/2006: Mills County Quilt Show: Held on the 3rd Saturday in October at the Mills County Civic Center. Contact: Nan Pesch, or Fay Leonnard .
Veterans Day Program: Honors all Mills County Veterans
Star Volunteer Fire Dept. Fish Fry: Second Saturday in November
November 19th, 5:00PM Family Life Center Museum Chili Supper (Benefiting the Mills County Museum)
First United Methodist Church
11/25/2006: Hunters Wild Game Appreciation Dinner: Saturday the 26th of November at the Mills County Civic Center. Doors open at 6:00 P.M. Supper at 7:00 P.M., ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE MILLS COUNTY, GOLDTHWAITE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
More information will be available on the following events shortly!
12/2/2006: Arrival of Santa Claus: Saturday, the 2nd of December, 3:30 pm Downtown Goldthwaite.
12/2/2006: Lions Club Pancake Supper: 4-6 pm, Downtown Court House Square.
12/2/2006: Christmas Parade of Lights: Saturday the 2nd of December, the theme for this year's Christmas Parade to be announced. Parade is in downtown Goldthwaite. If you would like to enter a float, please call or come by the Chamber office or call at . Parade entry applications are available on our website. Go to event applications.
12/2/2006: Arts and Crafts Show: Held annually first Saturday in December at the Mills County Civic Center. Contact Chamber office at .
12/3/2006: Garden Club Home Shopping Tour: Sunday Dec. 3th, 1pm to 5 pm. Garden Club will sell tickets for $5.00 prior to event. Buyer eligible for discount at each participating store. Each store will set their own discount. Store stamps ticket when purchase is made. Shopper gets stamp from all stores and takes ticket to Museum for door prize drawing at 5:00 pm. Refreshments will be served by the Garden Club. Contact Jan Fisher at .
Note: Tour of Homes scheduled for Dec. 3th has been canceled, this event will take it's place