Bluebonnets near Fredericksburg


All events are scheduled well in advance. Please call to confirm prior to making travel arrangements.

Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce/CVB
302 East Austin

Between Llano and Fredericksburg on Highway 16, there are quite a few wildflowers, bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes, Indian blankets, maxilmilian sunflowers, thistles, wine cups, nettles, and others.

Going towards Johnson City on Highway 290 are more bluebonnets and others.

Bluebonnets sighted along Highway 16 North between Fredericksburg & the Enchanted Rock turn-off.

11/03          Fbg Theater Co.'s Dracula: The Musical?
11/11          Fredericksburg Spring Antiques Show
11/17          Fredericksburg Trade Days at Sunday Farms
11/24          Island Assault: 1944
11/24          Gifts from the Heart Craft Show
12/01          Community Lighted Christmas Parade
12/01          2006 Weihnachten in Fredericksburg presented by HEB
12/15          Fredericksburg Trade Days at Sunday Farms

Suggested routes

Fredericksburg Area Wildflower Trails

Enchanted Rock

From W. Main Street, take FM 965 (N. Milam St.) north 18 miles to drive past Enchanted Rock, the second largest granite outcropping in the U.S. Continue on FM 965 to intersection of State Hwy. 16. Turn south (right) back towards Fredericksburg. Total drive is approximately 50 miles long and should take about an hour. Route passes through areas that historically have excellent color and some great views as the trail winds through ranchland and by the historic homes of German settlers.

Wildseed Farms & LBJ

From Main Street in Fredericksburg, go east 7 miles on US Hwy. 290 to the entrance to Wildseed Farms, the headquarters of the largest working wildflower farm in the U.S. There is no admission to the market center, but there is an admission fee to "The Meadows"which offers guests the opportunity to stroll the walking trails through the flower fields and to visit "The Butterfly Haus," which features native Texas butterflies and plants that attract butterflies.
As you leave the farm, turn East (left) on Hwy. 290 and go 8 miles to the LBJ National and State Historical Parks. Lady Bird Johnson led the charge for the beautification of the nation's highways, and the park is typically loaded with color. Take a tour of the ranch aboard an NPS tram (for a fee) or visit the historic Sauer-Beckmann farmstead.